MD2 Hash Generator

This free online tool allows you to generate the MD2 message digest for any file or string of text. Simply enter the text you wish to generate the hash value for and click "Generate".


The MD2 hash function generator is valuable because it can generate a unique string that can be used as a password or key. This is important because it can help protect important data, such as public key infrastructure.

It will generate a 128-bit hexadecimal MD2 hash string, regardless of the number of input words/characters.

The MD2 Hash is a code that is generated to encrypt data. Once it is generated, it cannot be decrypted. This makes it nearly impossible to reverse.

The MD2 algorithm is a cryptographic hash function that was developed by Ronald Rivest in 1989. It is optimized for 8-bit computers. MD2 is specified in IETF RFC 1319.

MD2 is not yet fully compromised, but the IETF retired it to "historic" status in 2011 because there were signs of weakness. It is now deprecated in favor of SHA-256 and other strong hashing algorithms.

However, as of 2014, MD2 and RSA are still used in public key infrastructures.

The hash value of any message is calculated by padding it to a multiple of the block length (128 bits or 16 bytes) and adding a 16-byte checksum to it. The actual calculation uses a 48-byte auxiliary block and a 256-byte S-table. The constants were generated by shuffling the integers 0 through 255 using a variant of Durstenfeld's algorithm with a pseudorandom number generator based on decimal digits of π (pi). The algorithm permutes each byte in the auxiliary block 18 times for every 16 input bytes processed. Once all of the blocks of the (lengthened) message have been processed, the first partial block of the auxiliary block becomes the hash value of the message.

Rogier and Chauvaud (1997) described collisions of MD2's compression function, although they were unable to extend the attack to the full MD2. This means that they were able to find a way to make the MD2 function produce the same output for two different inputs, but they couldn't do the same for the entire MD2 algorithm.

An online tool that facilitates the generation of randomized hash data, which can be utilized to successfully decrypt passwords and encryption keys. This tool offers the capability to generate hash data using a variety of algorithms, providing users with a versatile and efficient means of cracking codes.