Astronomical Converter

The astronomical unit conversion tool is a versatile and reliable tool for converting astronomical units to other units of measurement. This tool is specifically designed for astronomical units, allowing users to convert the 1996 astronomical unit to a wide range of units of measurement. This tool can convert astronomical units to kilometers, light seconds, light minutes, light hours, light days, light years in both Julian and tropical formats, traditional light years, parsecs, meters, and miles.

The tool is user-friendly and provides accurate results, making it a valuable tool for astronomers and other professionals in the field. Whether you are conducting research, analyzing data, or simply need to make conversions, this tool is an essential tool for anyone working with astronomical units.

In addition to converting astronomical units, this tool also provides additional features such as the ability to input multiple values for conversion and the option to save your conversion results for future use. This tool is a comprehensive and essential tool for anyone working with astronomical units and provides users with the ability to make accurate and reliable conversions with ease.

Astronomical Unit (1996): This is a unit of measurement used in astronomy to represent the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.

Kilometer: A kilometer is a unit of length that is equal to 1,000 meters.

Light Second: A light second is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one second.

Light Minute: A light minute is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one minute.

Light Hour: A light hour is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one hour.

Light Day: A light day is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one day.

Light Year (Julian): A light year (Julian) is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one year based on the Julian calendar.over a one-year period.

Light Year (Tropical): A light year (Tropical) is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one year based on the tropical year.over a one-year period.

Light Year (Traditional): A light year (Traditional) is a unit of length that is equal to the distance light travels in one year based on the traditional calendar.over a one-year period.

Parsec: A parsec is a unit of length that is equal to 3.26 light astronomy.

Meter: A meter is a unit of length that is used to measure distance.

Mile: A mile is a unit of length that is used to measure distance.


  • 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) = 149,597,870.7 kilometers
  • 1 Kilometer = 6.68458712 x 10^-12 Astronomical Units
  • 1 Light Second = 299,792.458 kilometers
  • 1 Light Minute = 17,987,000 kilometers
  • 1 Light Hour = 1,079,252,800 kilometers
  • 1 Light Day = 25,856,781,600 kilometers
  • 1 Light Year (Julian) = 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers
  • 1 Light Year (Tropical) = 9,460,741,190,339.8 kilometers
  • 1 Light Year (Traditional) = 9,460,573,183 kilometers
  • 1 Parsec = 3.08567758 x 10^16 meters
  • 1 Meter = 3.24077929 x 10^-17 Parsecs
  • 1 Mile = 1.609,344 kilometers
  • 1 Kilometer = 0.62137119 miles

These conversions allow us to understand the vast distances in our universe in terms of units that are easier to comprehend. For example, one light year is equivalent to approximately 5.88 trillion miles, which can be difficult to imagine. However, when expressed in astronomical units, it becomes easier to understand that one light year is equal to about 63,240 astronomical units.

It's important to note that these conversions are based on the current best estimates and measurements and may change as our understanding of the universe evolves.

The unit conversion tool is a convenient and easily accessible solution for converting between various measurement units. Its quick and free online functionality adds to its user-friendly design, making it a valuable tool for anyone in need of unit conversions.